Web project - Change Log

싸이트 규칙사항들:
  1. 싸이트작업을 한후에는 반드시 이페이지에 간단한 설명과 함께 기록을 남기십시오.!!!

Change Date Changed By Change Description
2017/02/04 주임신부 미사시간 변경, 사무실 정보 변경
2017/02/06 ILee

사목조직표 변경:
1. Added 분과협력 기구들
2. Use PPT orgchart
3. Main-menu: changed to left-justify: custom.css file on the server.

201702/06 ILee Installed Language Module 
2017/02/08 ILee Enabled Statistics Module
Changed the Logo image (but still fuzzy)
Created 사진/동영상 갤러리페이지 under 자료실
2017/02/12 ILee Added 구정미사
2017/02/12 Veronica 사무실 서류 양식, 본당 소개
2017/02/17 ILee

Several Changes
1. 사무실: 보충설명첨가
2. 주임신부 인사 (사진 교체 and new image file)
3. 사목평의회 orgchart correction (typos)
4. 재정위원: 이메일 주소 entered
5. Frontpage bottom block: date format changes + added 복음쓰기 시상식기사

2017/02/18 ILee

1. frontpage slideshow pictures - cleanup
2. 공지사항: new content type created / created a couple of sample 공지사항글    
3. 재정위원 메일주소 변경              

2017/02/19 사무실 공지사항 추가
2017/02/20 ILee

1. Shrink 신부님 사진 on the frontpage
2. More cleanup on FP slideshow pictures
3. Changed the layout proportion to narrow the width of Left Sidebar
4. Moved the 1st row of FP bottom block to Left Sidebar (using graphic)
5. 공지사항 Views changes: Added "Block" view and display under FP slideshow

2017/02/21 ILee

1. More cleanup on Left Sidebar links
2. Created a new block for "성당행사 및 교우이야기" using a VIEW which will automatically
display the article on the block. Huge improvement over the previous hard-coding method.
This is a BIG accomplishment. !!!!!!  (use Article to create a content for this.)

2017/02/27 ILee

1. 2017/2/23 (Thur): New oakcc.org is released finally!!!! (encountered several issues with Inmotion.)
    Ended up resolving them. 
2. Unused folders are deleted under /public_html directory
3. 2017/2/26 (Sun): Presentation of new site during Sunday mass. A little hiccups due to amplifier issue
(No sound!!!)  : Never assume anything! (Lesson learned). 
4. Visitor mapping Javascript seems to be working when hitting the frontpage only (moved back to Footer) 

2017/03/01 ILee 1. Changed 공지사항 to display 6 items
2  Added 3 new 공지사항
3. Added 전신자 사진 to slideshow
2017/03/03 ILee 1. uploaded kakao.jpg file
2. Removed "VIP Event" block
3. Created "article" for VIP Event story
4. Cropped Clara Kim's cover page to shorted length
5. Right-justify "more" link for  (공지사항 & 교우이야기) blocks. Change the font as bold
2017.03.04 ILee 1. Changed the bgcolor of current priest to blue (역대성직자 소개 페이지)
2017.03.06 ILee

1. Changed made "본당연혁" added "Top" - link to the top of the screen for easier scroll + changed to 2 column table
2. Cleanup "공지사항" : added a couple of news
3. Added more info to 사순절안내

2017.03.08 ILee

1. Installed "nodeviewcount" module (excluded "administrator" view count)
2. Changed the font-size to normal for content: 신약성경 4복음서를 5번 읽고나서 - 김순희 글라라 오클랜드 성 김대건…     (too big and bold)

2017.3.11 사무실

주보 업로드

2017.3.12 ILee New slideshow picture (.십자가의 길)
2017 3.13 ILee

공지사항 (cleanup)
1. Hide past news from front page
2. Added Eng Mass announcement
3. Added 공동체2020비전 pdf file download feature
4. Added file attachment feature to "웹마스터 건의사항"

2017.3.15 사무실 미사시간에 사순시기 금요일 미사 시간 변경 추가
2017.3.15 ILee Added a link to "Daily Readings / Bible"
2017.3.18 사무실 주보 업로드
2017.3.18 ILee 1. Applied Drupal 8.2.7 Security Updates (critical update)
2. upgraded the following modules to newer versions
 - libraries, sitemap, flexslider (successful)
3. At_Tools (upgrade not working), Views Slideshow module (To test on my local PC) --TBD
2017.3.19 ILee 1. Menu name change (지난글 모음 ==> 성당행사 및 교우이야기)
2. Removed :교우이야기" menu (duplicate with 성당행사 및 교우이야기)
3. Minor change to "가톨릭 외부링크"  (split "교구" & "북가주한인성당") , Added USCCB
4. Added a new Slideshow picture (십자가의 길)
5. Permission change: view count (to authenticated user)
2017.3.20 daniel

1. add new contents 사목회 연수

2. 사목회 연수 슬라이트쇼에 사진 업로드

3. 사목회 연수 2017-3-19 -  오타 (공도체 ===> 공동체) 수정 (Ilee)

2017.3.23 daniel


제가 그 어카운트 지웠습니다

그리고 어카운트를 함부로 등록못하게 설정을 변경했습니다

Before (anyone can create )


After  (Admin ONLY)


아래는 변경전, 아무나 등록할수 있는 상테를 보여줌



2017.3.29 ILee 공지사항 (수난감실 성체조배 schedule)
2017.4.1 ILee Added English Information content
2017.4.9 iLee New menu "English" added


ILee Added 공지사항 (부활팔일 축제)
2017.4.20 daniel             http://oakcc.org/node/2887 added
2017.4.20 ILee

1. Added Easter Slidershow pictures / Changed transition to "Slide"
2. Apply Drupal8.2.8 Security Updates (Critical)  (To upgrade to Drupal 8.3.1 TBD)
3. Upgrade "Flexslider" "AT Tools"  module
4. Added Link to Vatican Radio in "가톨릭외부 사이트 링크"
5. Added Pope:s Easter Message Link  (Left sidebar)

2017.4.23 ILee

1. Comment out Easter Mass schedule in "English" page
2. Added more Easter Pictures in slideshow
3. Slideshow image style: scale/crop 700x437
4. Drupal Security Update: 8.3.1
5. Module Installation: override_node_options,  view_unpublished
6. Permissions to View Unpublished Content, Change published option
7. Show View Count to public

2017.5.15 ILee

1. 공지사항: 야외미사/걷기행사
2. Added 성모의 밤 (slideshow picture)
3. Changed slideshow animation to "fade"

2017.5.24 ILee Removed the block title for "한국학교 & 사진동호회"
2017.5.28 ILee 도서실 봉사자모집 공지사항
2017.6.4 ILee

공지사항: reorder the sequence
교황님 성령강림 Link
Change 사진동호회 Link to open in a new window

2017.6.8 ILee 구역(반)장 변경 - new image file uploaded 
2017.6.10 ILee 공지사항: 서중부 여성 제11차 꾸르실료 주말 2017.6.22~25
2017.6.11 ILee Changed the picture for Photo Club Link
2017.6.20 ILee

Added "셩령대회" 공지사항 + Left sidebar 
Changed "사진동호회" cover page

2017.6.24 ILee 1. Moved "English" menu to the end (not sure why it moved the position)
2. Changed "주임신부 인사말씀" title color to green  (Make the page to be hidden ONLY for "Greetings" page
3. Inserted "성령대회 poster" 
4. Clean-up database tables (drupal 8 migration tables) 278 tables to 113 tables
2017.6.26 ILee Changed "공지사항" .link name to "공동체 소식"  to be consistent with the 주보
2017.7.17  ILee

1. 공동체소식.  성지순례, 영명축일 영적선뭋봉헌서 added
2. TRUNCATE cache_xxxx tables, Search_Index tables (DB size reduced to 78MB from 200+ MB)
3.  Need regular cleanup (write a SQL Script) -- TODO
4. Drupal Security Update done: Current Version = Drupal 8.3.5
5. at_tools, contact_storage module upgrade

2017.8.15 ILee

1. added new slideshow pictures

2017.8.29 ILee

1. added new slideshow pictures
2. Drupal security updates applied (Drupal 8.3.5 to Drupal 8.3.7)

2017.09.05 ILee Harmony News Archive page created
2017-10-07 ILee New slideshow pictures added
2017-11-25 ILee

- Drupal security update & Module upgrade caused the catastrophic failure. Site didn't function (blank screen). Frozen
- After an hour of research, managed to recover the site by running UPDATE.php (changed $settings.php file to run UPDATE without logging in as ADMIN.....   (Changed the $settings.php file back to normal state)
- Regular backup of the site and database is essential. 

2017-11-26 ILee

1. "AT Tools" module upgrade done successfully.

2. Theme upgrade issue: see below  upgrade Issue

2017-12-16 Ilee Added 몬트레이 천주교 한인 공동체 Link
2017-12-20 ILee

1. Added "Harmony News" link (main menu & left side bar)
2, (mass upload 2017 pdf files to server and script change)
3. Added 미사통상문 변경 Link

2018-1-29  ILee

Daniel Chun has converted http://oakcc.org top https://oakcc.org (secure site) 

123dev.oakcc.org is rebuilt using the backup of oakcc.org as of 1/26/2018 

Visitors map does not work with SSL site. Comment out the script for now until we find a work-around

1. Changed FP slide show pictures 
2. "office: page: removed <li> tag inside <script> </script> to be ready for picture reloaded version upgrade (<li> tag not compatible inside <script> with picture reloaded8.x.3.0 (the rest of the menu items change the colors to be not readable




1. 123dev.oakcc.org site is broken again during Libriaries API 8.x.3 upgrade testing!!! 
2. Rebuld did not succeed
3. Refer to the notes for details (Excel)
1. Created a new content type (묵상글)
2.. Created a new 묵상글 for testing (어부와 그믈) <style> img{} tag is creating an impact to Left Side Bar Link Icons.
3. Removed all the icons on Left Side Bar and used "bullet" icon: Looks more cleaner and professional 
4. Used a Table for Korean School and Photo Links
5. FP SlideShow picture size (reduced and changed the pics)

6. Roll Harmony News pages to 2018, 2017, 2016 etc..  (Mass upload to server)
7. Create a new userid (하모니 회장 류은정 효임 골롬바)

blue2  주보모음

blue2  미사시간

blue2  성당오시는 길

blue2  묵 상 글

blue2  독서자 주지사항

blue2  레지오 마리애

blue2 사진/동영상

blue2 매일미사/성경

blue2 매일미사/성경|영어

blue2 북가주 한인성당/
  가톨릭사이트 링크

오클랜드 성 김대건 성당 빈첸시오회
